Teamed May Updates

Read to see what we worked on in the month of May and what is on the horizon for Teamed - a platform connecting athletes and sports creatives.


Teamed is searching for a technical developer to create our web platform. There have been over 300 applicants to fill this position, and we are working hard to find the individual(s) who can help make Teamed the best it can be. We are in the interview process as we speak, with many great options which we are eager to potentially work with. Apply now on Upwork.

Teamed swag is here, and as we get closer to launch (targeted for September), we’d love to give you the opportunity to rep us. Fill out this interest form for a chance to receive free merch, and follow our social media to see when we are giving away our awesome Teamed shirts, stickers, and wristbands!

Our two founders participated in Startup OU’s May orientation retreat and began their work as a part of the startup incubator. This was a great opportunity to set strategic company goals while also networking with other emerging startups. See more here on LinkedIn.


As mentioned earlier, our efforts are focused on finding the developer(s) to build our platform. By the start of next month, we will have this crucial position filled with the development of a functional website underway.

In the coming weeks, Teamed will register as an LLC, allowing for important benefits as a business moving forward.


Thank you for your interest in Teamed! Stay up to date by following our social media and joining the newsletter.

If you know of anyone who would be interested in this first-of-its-kind platform, please share with them, it would be greatly appreciated!


Teamed - Now Under Development


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